Hero background image

Reading logistics documents with the click of a button

AI document processing and scanning

Automating document processing

Powerhouse AI uses computer vision to read logistics documents to automate cross-checking or to prevent manually keying information in your ERP or WMS systems

Scan documents to automatically key-in ERP or WMS

Automate cross-checks between documents and physical inventory or system data

Automatically extract relevant information from paper documents or PDFs


Deal smarter with paper and digital documents

Up to 10x faster

Avoid human mistakes

Take back control

Integrate AI Document Processing as part of your workflow

Inbound integration


processing of packing slips and delivery orders

warehouse internal transfer integration

Internal transfers

Warehouse process and workflow integration
white label solution

Or white-label as part of your own solution

WMS warehouse management system integration


warehouse drone integration


mobile device integration

Mobile applications

other services integration


Ready to transform your warehouse into a Powerhouse?